Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Foundation Production
The first contents page I analysed was the one above. It is from a copy of the well known magazine called 'NME'. NME is a British music magazine and is very popular with 14-24 year olds. The purpose of a contents page is to inform the reader of the contents of the magazine and make them aware of the main articles and stories within the magazine. Contents pages can also be used for advertising, like the NME contents above. In the top left of the NME contents page there is a listing of the feature bands and the page number there information is on. This section of the contents page has a basic colour scheme which is different to the rest of the page. This it to make it easy to stand out from the rest of the page so the reader can easily establish the different sections of the page. The bottom of the magazine consists of an advertisement which also has a different colour scheme to make it different to the other sections of the contents page. The right hand side of the page has information about general information in the magazine like news and reviews. This also has a slightly different colour scheme and is also in a bolder and eye catching style. The big title suggests that this section of the contents page is the most important and is the main feature.

All of the text on the contents page is built up around a central image of a theatre. The title directly underneath the main image is in the same style as the main headings on the left on the page. This implies that this is the most important article in the magazine because it has been given so mush room and the biggest text to try and attract as many readers as possible. Although each section of the NME contents is in different sections it still only uses three different colours but mixes them up to make it look very professional.

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