Monday, 23 November 2009

Foundation Production
In the third draft I made sure that the writing was all aligned properly, mainly the hook towards the upper right of the page. I also added a hook asking a direct question, ‘That is the best dance artist of all time?’ For this hook I used the same effect as I used for the title, white writing on the black background and black writing on the white background, this helps to define the image.

I also smoothened the main image by using the blur tool; this makes the sides of the image less jagged. I also added another bullet point to the top of the page between Eric Prydz and Crookers.
I also moved the barcode further into the corner to make it more discreet.
Foundation Production For the second draft of my magazine I moved the image to a more centralised place on the front cover. I also increased the brightness and contrast of the image to make the model appear to look slightly tanned and also increases the defined. The text on the hooks on the left hand side of the cover looked amateurish and appealed to a younger audience in the first draft, this is the reason I decided to change it. I changed it to a more simple bold text and also added: a drop shadow, bevel and emboss, outer glow and a stroke, which is the same colour of that on the title. The title was also stretched downwards to make it larger and more identifiable. I also added more hooks down the right hand side of the magazine. I used to different texts to give the magazine a classy look. In this draft I also added a bar across the top with famous peoples names that are featured in the magazine. To the right of the model I added an issue number, a date and also a website which people can use for further information about the magazine. Above the barcode to the bottom left of the screen I also added a price, the price is £1.00 because the questionnaire research showed that this is the price, which is most popular by the possible audience for my magazine.
Foundation Production
This is a photo of my first attempt of my magazine. As you can see it is not that good because the text does not contrast and lit looks very amateurish. The heading is good and I will keep that. The hooks are all too big and look like they are appealing to a younger age range. I feel that the hooks were in a text, which did not resemble the style of magazine I was making, the hooks are in a text, which would best resemble a rock style magazine. The background is a plain styled one, which consists of black flowing into white, giving a good/bad feel to the magazine. The main image I chose was a medium close shot of myself. I decided to use myself because I felt that I was the most capable for the front-page model. For the heading i decided to use three colours. I used white text for the writing on the black background and black text for the writing on the white background. After I changed the text colour I added a stroke to the heading, making it stand out more. This stroke is a dark gold and is similar to the shirt on the model. This simple colour scheme helps to give the magazine a simple but effective appeal.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Foundation Production

Before choosing an image to cut out for my front page, i took a large selection of images. After choosing one i cropped it and added it onto the background of my magazine cover. Below you can see the first draft of the background and model. after this i added hooks and title to the front page.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Foundation Production
This article is from the well known magazine in the U.K called 'HEAT'. this article contains three small photos instead of one main one like the article from 'LOOK'. the main photo is a medium close shot of June Sarpong who is a well known presenter for channell 4.

The article contains a very basic colour scheme consisting of black, white and orange. the backround of the article is plain white. The main body of text is a normal style black font and the questions are in bold to draw attention to them. the key quotes and titles are boldand orange, they are written in capitals and a different font to draw attention to them and make the article look more interesting.

the article also contains a websight at the very bottom, and also contains two advertisement. there is an advertisment for 'orange' and also for 'heat radio' which is in a big attractive circle next to the main photo in the middle of the page.
Foundation Production
The above article is from the well-known woman’s magazine 'LOOK'. The article has a full page of the model looking straight into the camera in a medium long shot. The style of the picture is a 'chocolate box' according to Marjorie Ferguson's theory. The model, Jade Ewen, has a half smile with slightly parted lips and visible teeth. The showing of her legs gives a sexual feel to picture. The projected mood of Jade Ewen is blandly blessing. All of theses features are present in the 'chocolate box'.

The right hand side of the article consists of the content. The title of the article is an indirect quote from the interview. The article uses two fonts, one for the titles and descriptions and another for the article. The font which is used for the main body font is more simple and easy to read. The second font is more catchy and attractive, this italic text is used for the; title, quotation in the middle of the page, the first letter of the article and also to describe the pictures in the bottom left of the right hand page.

This article from 'LOOK' uses two basic colours, black and white. The colours of the article also reflect on the clothe that the model is wearing. The background of the article is white like the models top and the text is black like her skirt. This use of simple colours allows the article to be read easily and helps the text to stand out.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Foundation Production

This contents page for a ‘Mojo’ magazine is very simple when compared to the contents page for ‘NME’. It has a collage of photos on the left hand side to attract the attention of the magazine buyers and give them some idea of what the magazine will contain.

The title ‘Mojo’ in the top right of is unusual for a contents page as they are normally labelled ‘contents’ The listing of all the articles and stories down the right hand side of the magazine only contains three different colours, red, black and a white background. This is very common for a well known professional magazine because it makes the magazine look simple, un-cluttered and easy to read.

At the bottom of the contents page is three articles from famous music persons. This has its own section to the page to attract attention to it and make the buyers of the magazine aware of it.
Foundation Production
The first contents page I analysed was the one above. It is from a copy of the well known magazine called 'NME'. NME is a British music magazine and is very popular with 14-24 year olds. The purpose of a contents page is to inform the reader of the contents of the magazine and make them aware of the main articles and stories within the magazine. Contents pages can also be used for advertising, like the NME contents above. In the top left of the NME contents page there is a listing of the feature bands and the page number there information is on. This section of the contents page has a basic colour scheme which is different to the rest of the page. This it to make it easy to stand out from the rest of the page so the reader can easily establish the different sections of the page. The bottom of the magazine consists of an advertisement which also has a different colour scheme to make it different to the other sections of the contents page. The right hand side of the page has information about general information in the magazine like news and reviews. This also has a slightly different colour scheme and is also in a bolder and eye catching style. The big title suggests that this section of the contents page is the most important and is the main feature.

All of the text on the contents page is built up around a central image of a theatre. The title directly underneath the main image is in the same style as the main headings on the left on the page. This implies that this is the most important article in the magazine because it has been given so mush room and the biggest text to try and attract as many readers as possible. Although each section of the NME contents is in different sections it still only uses three different colours but mixes them up to make it look very professional.