Saturday 1 January 2011

Narrative and Representation

Ever since films were invented they contained scary and disturbing images. The reason for this is that people want to be and like getting scared or shocked. The need for fear is just a natural requirement for a human, it is a part of your imagination since early childhood, and it is thought that we are all born with only two fears, darkness and height. Horror movies, however, do appeal to our most primitive state which is one of the main reasons they are a very popular film genre.

Most horror films are a metaphor for most of our own lives; they often identify the victim who is trying to overcome the monster. As horror is required by the human mind it is often shown across all genres of film.

Horror films also allow us to ask the ‘what if?’ and let us safely dip into our primeval fears.

The following link contains lots of interesting information about the nature of horror film -

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